The Echo Chamber

The "Echo Chamber" effect is the phenomenon whereby social media limit exposure to different perspectives, favoring the formation of groups of users who all think alike and reinforcing a shared narrative. In other words, people only can see selected information that reinforces their existing views without encountering opposing views.  Those with opposing views are either cancelled or removed from the groups.  These radical groups are popping up throughout our society and even locally, in Waxhaw.

One of the biggest dangers and most calamitous aspect of echo chambers is that they tend to lead to a lack of original thoughts, dissenting opinions, and challenging ideas.  On an organizational level, this can limit our opportunities for growth and stem healthy and necessary debate.

Another problem associated with echo chambers within a community is that they can limit our ability to effectively solve problems and respond to the exact issues that they endeavor to address. The constant and perpetual affirmation of our own beliefs that occurs within an echo chamber obviously causes division and polarization.  And, polarized communities and societies lack the social capital that is necessary to work together on shared problems and common issues.

Echo chambers have proven to result in an increased social and political polarization and extremism.

To enhance progress, and come to more accurate conclusions about environment, growth and other local issues, I would encourage everyone to engage in spaces for respectful debate and conversation to diversify the viewpoints that we are exposed to.


I talk about hope and faith. I like to be with family, friends, laugh, and live. Jesus is King. ✝️

The Negative Implications of Public Arguments at Meetings


Resolution 2023-014