Union County School Capacity

The market demand for Western Union County is tremendous. Our teachers are working against all odds to deliver the most highly rated schools in the state. Our police are relentless in their work to ensuring the lowest crime rates in the area. Western Union County is highly desired. So you can pander to voters about Exclusionary Zoning, or a Development Moratoria to build a Wall around our community, but I prefer to tell the truth - as difficult as it is for some to hear. And that truth is that nothing can stop the farmers from selling. It’s sad, but it’s the truth. I used to ride my bike from Lawson all the way to Cane Creek Park. Can’t do that anymore; too dangerous. Interestingly, most of the traffic is cutting through Town towards Monroe or Lancaster.

Statement on Schools and Capacity from Mayor Ronald Pappas.

Union County Officials have been kicking the can down the road for so long with our infrastructure that we’re about to face new tax increases. Here’s a serious question, why does the County talk about school capacity in Western Union County and then enter this statement into the 2050 Comprehensive Plan:

“Despite projections of tens of thousands of new residents in Union County over the next decade, Union County Public Schools does not project construction of any new schools solely for overcrowding in the next ten years, although it is developing plans to upgrade or replace old facilities.”

Seems like capacity isn’t a problem after all.

The landowners around us aren’t waiting another 10 years to sell; they’re selling now. The Town of Waxhaw has a plan that is working to benefit residents. What is Union County doing to plan for the growth that benefits residents?

The challenges we face are complicated and not simple.

  • Vote Informed.

  • Ask the questions.

  • Contact your elected officials.


I talk about hope and faith. I like to be with family, friends, laugh, and live. Jesus is King. ✝️


From Farms to Future: Steering Managed Growth in Waxhaw NC


Growth Challenges Facing Waxhaw and Union County